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What adobe do i need for mac

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'Each and every one of those supporting libraries, contributed to Photoshop from nearly every corner of the Adobe engineering world, would have to be written to support Apple silicon, and on the fastest possible schedule. 'Also, over the years Photoshop’s capabilities have extended beyond just core image editing to a variety of useful additional services  dynamic font activation, cloud sync technology, machine-learning features and installer deployment services, all to make a wide range of creative workflows beyond image editing easier and smoother. 'For one, performance is top-of-mind for our creative professional customers, so we wondered how long it might take for us to match the years of performance-tuning that ensured smooth operation for Photoshop’s sophisticated blending and rendering capabilities.

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'Photoshop has been fortunate enough to have been serving Mac customers for over 30 years, and having lived through the transition from Power PC to Intel chips in the 2005/2006 timeframe, a few familiar considerations came to mind as the Apple silicon announcement was made.