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Skype classic version download for mac

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Choose whether to make Skype for Business available to your usersĪs the admin you can choose whether to make the Skype for Business app available to your users. This also means they can't uninstall Skype for Business unless they uninstall all of Office. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise customers: If your business is using an Office 365 plan that includes Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, such as the E3 plan, the Skype for Business app is installed at the same time your users download and install Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. The Skype for Business app is installed separately from the rest of the Office apps. If they are using Macs, point them to Set up Lync for Mac 2011 for Office 365. Point them to these instructions: Install Skype for Business. Step-by-step installation instructions: If you have a small or medium-sized business, we recommend that you simply ask your users to install the Skype for Business app on their PC.

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For most small and medium-sized businesses If your users aren't allowed to install software on their devices, you'll need to install the Skype for Business app for them.

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Or they will need to be part of a local group that can install apps on their PC or devices.

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For users to install the Skype for Business app, they need to be local admins on their PC or device.